The ultimate voters guide

Some people seem confused about who to vote for.

So, here I am. Here to help you.

You see, you may be under the illusion that there is a party or politician you can vote for that is in some way going to help you and your life.

Ha ha ha ha ha. You’ve been had.

voteOk, you’re screwed.

This is how it really works. You have left and you have right. The right will openly say they are out to shaft you. You vote for them, they get in, they shaft you.

The left will pretend they are in some way on your side and here to set you free. They will lie and say they aren’t out to shaft you. You vote for them, they get in, they shaft you.

So, there are two realities here. Firstly, it doesn’t matter whether it’s left or right, they are rich politicians and they will shaft you. Secondly, one lot admit that’s what they’ll do. The other lot will pretend it’s not going to happen.

That’s what you have to chose from. Not, whether or not you’ll get shafted. But whether you want the liars or the truth tellers to do it.

It’s your choice!