The KKK is Anonymous is the KKK

The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) (on the right).

Anonymous (on the left).

Is there any difference?

No, not really.

Let’s examine each of them and see the similarities.

Both wear intimidating white masks. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both are cowards. Scaredy cats even. They don’t have the guts to show their faces. They cover them up. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both like to hurt others and to generate fear as they relentlessly pursue their victims. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both like setting property on fire, sometimes they enjoy setting people on fire. Flames excite them. The bigger the flames, the bigger their sexual arousal. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both believe their own hype and self-importance and cannot accept that they might be wrong. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both operate in a shroud of secrecy in order to hide any repercussions for their bullying actions. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both enjoy destroying other people’s homes and livelihoods. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both enjoy harassing and intimidating their victim’s family and children. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Both have caused horrific deaths without giving their victims a fair trial or the right of reply of defence. Yep, the KKK and Anonymous are exactly the same.

Why do they pretend they are different?


    1. No free thinker believes this false flag claim. Only those who live in a fantasy world from which they can’t grasp reality think it’s true, because those that manipulate their minds tell them what to believe.


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